
Website Market Valuator Webapp Closed

BCE’s Valuator closed Unfortunately the code underlying the webapp has become corrupted, leading to significant malfunctions. Users have encountered broken links, missing images, and corrupted valuation results thus rendering the site dysfunctional. The investment to correct the issues is greater than the expected return so the valuator will be closed. We are sorry for any … Logo

FanSeeStats Website Group soft-launched

FanSeeStats and its group of ‘sports stories through sports stats’ websites has been soft-launched. The four websites will see content and features being slowly added over the next many months. The main entry website is located at

New Public Relations Site

Welcome to our new PR website, launched by Billows Cyber Enterprises to support the following websites: The new PR website will replace the websites located at and to create greater efficiency and ease of usage. Support can be reached at

iTunes Stats Webapp Launched

Yertunes, an iTunes stats Webapp launched allows Apple iTunes users to create reports about their music usage. Reports include the ability to see who your most popular artist is, your most played songs, and much more. In order to do this you will upload your iTunes database to our Webapp. When it is uploaded, …

Website Market Valuator Webapp launched

BCE’s Valuator launched Billows Cyber Enterprises is pleased to launch the BCE Valuator for websites. Using a combination of analytics the BCE Valuator calculates an estimate about the dollar valuation for a particular website. The service is free and is intended to be a fun way to estimate what a website may be worth. This …

CreateOrCOonquer logo

Official Launch of Create Or Conquer 1.5 has left Open Beta and version 1.5 is now considered completed. CoC was established in 2006, at a time of PHP/MySQL webgames were very popular. In 2010 it was acquired by and was slowly improved over the next decade. CoC is an preservation and update of the PHP/MySQL era. The changes to V1.5 …

Funky Superhero Webgame turns 15 years old! is the world’s first and only Funk inspired Superhero game that continues to attract interest. WINNIPEG, Manitoba – August 10, 2019 is proud to announce that has reached a milestone in longevity, turning fifteen years old last month. The web-based game was started in July 2004. Fifteen years is an exceptional milestone …

Warlocks – Short Story 6 – Roguehunt

Roguehunt Bhir slipped back down the hillside, out of sight of the old keep on the next hill. He was careful not to disturb Bhudrinaksi where he sat in meditation position, eyes unfocused and distant. Dhasus sat quietly beside him, looking nervous. “You think this will work, Captain Bhir?” Indrati asked. Again. Like the flame …

Warlocks – Short Story 5 – Rest Renewal

Rest Renewal Andri Minara shook his head and grimaced. It’s going to be a very long trip back to the Sandhoa. The scene before him was familiar; Lya Katora stood between Britran Talavara and Sumiy Shikara with a hand placed lightly on each man’s chest.Andri didn’t have to hear the conversation to know they were …

Warlocks – Short Story 4 – Battleford

Battleford The four halted just inside the shadow of the trees. Before them the grass covered meadow sloped down to the river ford. On this side of the ford the land belonged to a Vrikas clan whose lord had hired them. On the far side of the ford the land belonged to a Rukshas clan. …